Starting From

AED 840

Important Benefits

Mostly used on face & for various scars, wrinkles, and large pores

Derma Pen Treatment in Dubai

Welcome to our premier aesthetic clinic in the heart of Dubai, where we are excited to introduce you to the transformative wonders of derma pen treatment.

Derma pen, also known as microneedling, is a cutting-edge cosmetic procedure that harnesses the power of controlled micro-injuries to stimulate your skin’s natural rejuvenation process.

Whether you’re seeking to improve skin texture, reduce fine lines, or address scarring concerns, our skilled team of experts employs state-of-the-art technology to deliver remarkable results.

It’s important to consult with a qualified skincare professional or dermatologist to determine the most appropriate application of derma pen treatment based on your specific skin concerns and goals. The number of sessions needed can vary depending on the severity of the condition being treated.

Join us in Dubai’s haven of beauty innovation, and embark on a journey to radiant, youthful skin with derma pen treatment.

Derma Pen

The steps

How does Derma Pen treatment work?

Here’s how the derma pen treatment/microneedling treatment works:

1. Preparation: Before the procedure, the skin is cleansed and a topical numbing cream is often applied to minimize discomfort during the treatment.

2. Microneedling: The derma pen is a handheld device with a disposable, sterile tip containing tiny needles. These needles are very fine and adjustable in depth. The practitioner gently glides the derma pen over the targeted area, creating controlled micro-injuries or microchannels in the skin.

3. Stimulation of Collagen and Elastin: The micro-injuries created by the derma pen trigger the body’s natural healing response. This response includes the production of collagen and elastin, which are essential proteins for healthy, youthful-looking skin. Collagen provides firmness and structure to the skin, while elastin gives it elasticity.

4. Absorption of Topical Products: Microneedling enhances the absorption of topical products applied during or after the procedure. This allows for better penetration of serums, growth factors, or other skin-rejuvenating products, further improving the treatment’s effectiveness.

5. Rejuvenation: Over the following weeks, the increased collagen and elastin production helps to improve skin texture, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, minimize scars, and enhance overall skin tone and elasticity. The results are often a more youthful and radiant complexion.


Your Frequently Asked Questions


We have carefully curated a series of common questions our patients have about Derma Pen treatment in Dubai.

Why does skin Derma Pen Treatment need multiple sessions?

 Depending on the specific skin concerns and treatment goals, multiple sessions of derma pen treatment may be recommended, typically spaced several weeks apart. The number of sessions needed varies from person to person.

What is the recovery like after derma pen treatment?

After the procedure, there may be some redness and mild swelling, similar to a sunburn, which usually subsides within a few days.

Patients are typically able to resume their normal activities with minimal downtime.

How long after Derma Pen treatment will I be able to see results?

The timing of visible results can depend on factors such as the specific skin concern being treated, the individual’s skin type, and their body’s response to the treatment. To achieve and maintain the best results, it’s important to follow the recommended treatment plan and any post-care instructions provided by your dermatologist or skincare professional.

Keep in mind that while some results may be visible relatively quickly, the overall transformation of your skin may continue to evolve over several months as collagen and elastin continue to rebuild and enhance your skin’s appearance. Patience and consistency with your treatment plan are key to achieving the desired outcome.

Can I do Derma Pen treatment at home?

For risks including infection, choosing the improper product, chowing the wrong technique, and the necessity of quality control by a medical expert, it is generally recommended to have micro needling, including derma pen treatments, performed by trained and experienced dermatologists or skincare professionals in a clinical setting.

If you are interested in microneedling, it’s advisable to consult with a medical professional who can assess your skin, discuss your goals, and recommend the most suitable treatment plan to achieve the best and safest results.

What are Derma Pen's side effects?

Derma Pen is generally considered a safe cosmetic procedure when performed by trained and qualified medical professionals. However, like any medical treatment, it can have potential side effects, though they are typically mild and temporary.

Some of the possible side effects of mesotherapy may include: pain or discomfort, redness, bruising, skin sensitiveness, and itching.

How can I choose the best aesthetic clinic in Dubai for Derma Pen treatment?

To choose the best clinic for Derma Pen treatment in Dubai:

  • Research reputable skin clinics and practitioners.
  • Verify licenses and credentials of the aesthetic clinic
  • Schedule a consultation to discuss your needs.
  • Assess the aesthetic clinic’s hygiene and safety measures.
  • Inquire about equipment and technology.
  • Review before-and-after photos.
  • Be clear on pricing and transparency.
  • Ask about post-treatment care.
  • Seek referrals from trusted sources.
  • Trust your instincts and choose a clinic where you feel comfortable and confident.